plot computes correlations using base cor
method only. How can we supply the pbcor
or wincor
values/p-values (from WRS2
package) to the plot?
allows you to provide custom functions for the different facets of your matrix (as arguments to upper, lower and diag). There is also a ggally_statistic
function that allows you to print results from other functions/tests into those facets. By wrapping this function (using the wrapping mechanism provided by the GGally package) with the correct parameters, we can easily create a custom function using the required correlation measure.
d <- data.frame(A = rnorm(100),
B = rnorm(100),
C = rnorm(100))
mcor <- wrap(ggally_statistic,
title = "pbcor", # name of the metric to be displayed
text_fn = function(x, y) {
corObj <- WRS2::pbcor(x, y) # use the desired function here or add arguments
cor_txt <- formatC(corObj$cor, digits = 3, format = "f")
cor_txt <- stringr::str_c(cor_txt, signif_stars(corObj$p.value))
ggpairs(d, upper = list(continuous = mcor))