I'd like to make certain images larger by adding a blurred frame (consisting of the image itself). Would like to do that using ImageMagick.
Sort of like what https://pinetools.com/blurred-frame-images-generator does.
How to do that?
Searched Google for hints, but didn't really find something…
Found Blur image with ImageMagick and extent it and this command:
convert original.png -background none -gravity center -extent 200x200% -blur ... -trim result.png
But I guess I'm doing something wrong. When I run that command, the result.png
looks identical to "original.png
Something along these lines maybe?
magick tour.jpg \( +clone -resize 150% -blur x10 \) +swap -gravity center -composite result.jpg
For my money, I'd darken the background a little too in order to make it less distracting:
magick tour.jpg \( +clone -resize 150% -blur x20 -fill black -colorize 25% \) +swap -gravity center -composite result.jpg