
Minimax for hexapawn game

I'm working on a python minimax implementation for Hexapawn but hit a problem: it prints out the correct move for the ai, but it wont make that move.

This is my code:

import copy

class Hexapawn:
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = [[2,2,2],
        self.player = 1

    def display_board(self):
        for row in self.board:

    def ai_turn(self):
            move = self.minimax(3, float('-inf'), float('inf'), True)[1]
            if move:
                self.make_move(move, self.board)
                print("AI moves:", move)
                print("AI has no valid moves.")
    def player_turn(self):
        player_move = self.get_player_move()
        self.make_move(player_move, self.board)
        if self.is_game_over():
            print("Player wins!")

    def play_game(self):
        while True:
            self.player = 1 if self.player == 2 else 2
            if self.is_game_over():
            self.player = 1 if self.player == 2 else 2
            if self.is_game_over():
                print("AI wins!")

    def evaluate_board(self):
        player1_pawns = sum(row.count(1) for row in self.board)
        player2_pawns = sum(row.count(2) for row in self.board)
        return player1_pawns- player2_pawns
    def get_player_move(self):
        while True:
                orow, ocol = map(int, input("Enter row and column of the pawn you want to move (e.g., 0 1): ").split())
                nrow, ncol = map(int, input("Enter row and column of the destination (e.g., 1 1): ").split())
                move = ((orow, ocol), (nrow, ncol))
                if move in self.get_possible_moves():
                    return move
                    print("Invalid move. Try again.")
            except ValueError:
                print("Invalid input. Please enter row and column numbers separated by a space.")
    def make_move(self, move, board):
        orow,ocol = move[0]
        nrow,ncol = move[1]
        board[nrow][ncol] = board[orow][ocol]
        board[orow][ocol] = 0
    def undo_move(self, move, board):
        orow, ocol = move[0]
        nrow, ncol = move[1]
        board[orow][ocol] = board[nrow][ncol]
        board[nrow][ncol] = 0   
    def is_game_over(self):
        if not self.get_possible_moves():
            return True
        for col in range(len(self.board[0])):
            if self.board[0][col] == 1 or self.board[2][col] == 2:
                return True

        return False

    def get_possible_moves(self):
        possible = []
        opponent=2 if self.player == 1 else 1

        for row in range(len(self.board)):
            for col in range(len(self.board[row])):
                if self.board[row][col] == self.player:
                    if self.player == 1:
                        if row -1 >= 0 and col +1 <= 2 and self.board[row-1][col+1] == opponent:
                        if row-1 >= 0 and col-1 >= 0 and self.board[row-1][col-1] == opponent:
                        if row -1 >= 0 and self.board[row-1][col] == 0:
                    elif self.player == 2:
                        if row+1 <= 2 and col +1 <= 2 and self.board[row+1][col+1] == opponent:
                            possible.append(((row,col), (row+1, col+1)))
                        if row+1 <= 2 and col -1 >= 0 and self.board[row+1][col-1] == opponent:
                            possible.append(((row,col),(row+1, col-1)))
                        if row+1 <= 2 and self.board[row+1][col] == 0:
                            possible.append(((row,col), (row+1, col)))
        return possible

    def minimax(self, depth, alpha, beta, maximizing_player):
        if depth == 0 or self.is_game_over():
            return self.evaluate_board(), None
        board = copy.deepcopy(self.board)

        if maximizing_player:
            max_eval = float('-inf')
            best_move = None
            for move in self.get_possible_moves():
                self.make_move(move, board)
                evaluate = self.minimax(depth-1,alpha, beta, False)[0]
                self.undo_move(move, board)
                if evaluate > max_eval:
                    max_eval = evaluate
                    best_move = move
                alpha = max(alpha, evaluate)
                if beta <= alpha:
            return max_eval, best_move

            min_eval= float('inf')
            for move in self.get_possible_moves():
                self.make_move(move, board)
                evaluate = self.minimax(depth-1, alpha, beta, True)[0]
                self.undo_move(move, board)
                if evaluate<min_eval:
                    min_eval = evaluate
                beta = min(beta, evaluate)
                if beta <= alpha:
            return min_eval, None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    game = Hexapawn()

I've tried to figure out why the AI move isn't reflected on the board, but without success. What am I missing?


  • it prints out the correct move for the ai but it wont make that move

    Actually, the AI move is made. But to actually see the result, you should print the board just after that move was made:

        def ai_turn(self):
            move = self.minimax(3, float('-inf'), float('inf'), True)[1]
            if move:
                self.make_move(move, self.board)
                print("AI moves:", move)
                self.display_board()  # <----------------- add this
                print("AI has no valid moves.")

    Other remarks

    The above answers your direct question, but your implementation has several issues: