
Understanding Different Types of References in Genexus Knowledge Base

I'm trying to understand the various types of references that two objects can have in a Genexus knowledge base.

For example:

KBObject obj = KBObject.Get(objRef.Model, r.From);

r.ReferenceType ??
r.LinkType ??
r.LinkTypeInfo ??

What do ReferenceType (Hard, Weak, WeakExternal, etc.), LinkType (1, 2, 4, etc.), and LinkTypeInfo (BL, R1I1U1B1, etc.) mean?

I've searched through the documentation and code examples, but I couldn't find any relevant information. Could someone provide an explanation or point me to relevant documentation or code examples?


  • Here goes a summary of the possible values each field can take:


    Link Type:

    Link Type Info:

    For table references, indicates whether the linked table is Read, Inserted, Updated, Deleted and/or is used as a Base table.

    The format is: RnInUnBn where n is either 0 or 1 indicating the usage (0 not used for this operation, 1 used for this operation)