I have scenerio where I deeplink url : www.business.co.uk/some_search?someparams=data
I have 2 cases, I send this link to a backend service where the params is extracted and returned to my app to perform a search based on that result.
The second scenario is when the backend fails to sanitise this link, I want to open the link in a webBrowser.
The Issue: Because I have the path in my manifest, when my backend service returns the same link. I open that link in a browser. I get into a scenario where the OS thinks my app can handle the URI and deeplinks it again, and i get stuck in an infinite loop.
I can change that path, and it looks like the manifest can only access the path and can't touch the query params,( i was hoping i could had a query params but this din't wor either).
does have a nice solution, I can prevent this infinite loop, to make it so when my app opens a browser it don't deeplink.
I tried adding a extra param to stop the deeplink, but the param can't be indentified an the manifest level, so this deeplink always happen no matter what. I can't change my path and as you can see it is small path so not much can be done.
Intent filter based on query param will be supported in Android 15
Android 15 Query param intent filter
For now you can use either a WebView or AndroidX browser library to open url you get from your server.
AndroidX browser library using this you can directly launch a chrome tab in app.
implementation ‘androidx.browser:browser:1.0.0’
Alternatively you can open in webview as below
webView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webView1);