Trying to map input text to associated numeric values, allowing for missing non-represented entries using a defaultdict
Running the below works, but when I add the default using a lambda
I get an error.
0 $1,001
1 $1,001
2 $50,001
3 $15,001
4 $50,001
586 $1,001
587 $1,001
588 $1,001
589 $1,001
590 $1,001
Name: 0, Length: 591, dtype: object
amt_map = {
"$1": 500,
"$1,001": 2500,
"$15,001": 32500,
"$50,001": 75000,
"$100,001": 175000,
"$250,001": 350000,
"$500,001": 750000,
"$1,000,001": 2000000,
"$5,000,001": 10000000,
"25,000,001": 25000000
0 2500.0
1 2500.0
2 75000.0
3 32500.0
4 75000.0
Using the default lambda throws causes an error however:
from collections import defaultdict
d = {
"$1": 500,
"$1,001": 2500,
"$15,001": 32500,
"$50,001": 75000,
"$100,001": 175000,
"$250,001": 350000,
"$500,001": 750000,
"$1,000,001": 2000000,
"$5,000,001": 10000000,
"25,000,001": 25000000
amt_map = defaultdict(lambda x: x.replace('$',''), d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/ipykernel_470946/", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/chris/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 825, in <lambda>
mapper = lambda x: dict_with_default[x]
TypeError: <lambda>() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'
Searching has suggested this is due to different number of arguments used by a function and included lambda, but I'm not seeing how/why that would cause an issue here.
TypeError: <lambda>() missing 1 required positional argument: 'item'
Per @wim's suggestion, created a subclass to define treatment for missing keys. The below returns what I'm looking for but would prefer not needing to subclass if there's a way to achieve it:
d = {
"$1": 500,
"$1,001": 2500,
"$15,001": 32500,
"$50,001": 75000,
"$100,001": 175000,
"$250,001": 350000,
"$500,001": 750000,
"$1,000,001": 2000000,
"$5,000,001": 10000000,
"25,000,001": 25000000
class CleanAmt(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return pd.to_numeric(key.replace('$',''))