
Automatically scale text size into bounding box area

I'm trying to center a text within a rectangle according to its height and width, but it comes out off-center. Additionally, I need the text to adjust according to the size of this rectangle. However, I'm not finding very good solutions.

Would anyone know where the error might be?


enter image description here

My code for help:

internal fun ScreenShotDrawSpeech(
    bubbleDomain: ImmutableList<SpeechBubbleDomain>,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
    val textMeasurer = rememberTextMeasurer()
    val zoom = rememberZoomableState()

        modifier = modifier
        onDraw = {
            bubbleDomain.forEach { prediction ->
                drawSpeechBoundingBox(text = prediction.originalText, boundingBox = prediction.rect, textMeasurer = textMeasurer)
private fun DrawScope.drawSpeechBoundingBox(
    boundingBox: Rect,
    text: String,
    textMeasurer: TextMeasurer,
) {
    val currentWidth = textMeasurer.measure(text).size.width
    val currentHeight = textMeasurer.measure(text).size.height
    val desiredWidth = boundingBox.width()
    val desiredHeight = boundingBox.height()

    val centerTextY = (boundingBox.height() - currentHeight) / 2.5

    val font = calculateScaledFontSize(
        currentWidth = currentWidth,
        currentHeight = currentHeight,
        desiredWidth = desiredWidth,
        desiredHeight = desiredHeight,
        minFontSize = 12.sp.toPx(),
        maxFontSize = 14.sp.value,
        text = text,

    val style = TextStyle(
        fontSize = font.sp,
        fontFamily = FontFamily(Font(R.font.manga_master_bb)),
        color = Color.Black,
        background = Color.White,
        textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
        fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,

        color = Color.White,
        topLeft = Offset(boundingBox.left.toFloat(),,
        size = Size(boundingBox.width().toFloat(), boundingBox.height().toFloat()),
        color = Color.Black,
        style = Stroke(width = 2f),
        topLeft = Offset(boundingBox.left.toFloat(),,
        size = Size(boundingBox.width().toFloat(), boundingBox.height().toFloat()),
        textMeasurer = textMeasurer,
        style = style,
        size = Size(boundingBox.width().toFloat(), boundingBox.height().toFloat()),
        topLeft = Offset(
   + centerTextY.toFloat(),
        text = text.uppercase(),

private fun calculateScaledFontSize(
    currentWidth: Int,
    currentHeight: Int,
    desiredWidth: Int,
    desiredHeight: Int,
    minFontSize: Float,
    maxFontSize: Float,
    text: String,
): Float {
    val widthScaleFactor = minFontSize * desiredWidth / currentWidth
    val heightScaleFactor = minFontSize * desiredHeight / currentHeight

    return if (min(widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor) >= maxFontSize) {
        if (text.length <= 10) {
            min(widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor) / 3
        } else {
            min(widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor) / 2
    } else {
        min(widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor)


  • You're calculating the Y-coordinate for centering the text using a fixed value 2.5 which can cause the text to be off-center.

    internal fun ScreenShotDrawSpeech(
        bubbleDomain: ImmutableList<SpeechBubbleDomain>,
        modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    ) {
        val textMeasurer = rememberTextMeasurer()
        val zoom = rememberZoomableState()
            modifier = modifier
            onDraw = {
                bubbleDomain.forEach { prediction ->
                    drawSpeechBoundingBox(text = prediction.originalText, boundingBox = prediction.rect, textMeasurer = textMeasurer)
    private fun DrawScope.drawSpeechBoundingBox(
        boundingBox: Rect,
        text: String,
        textMeasurer: TextMeasurer,) 
        val currentSize = textMeasurer.measure(text).size
        val desiredSize = Size(boundingBox.width(), boundingBox.height())
        // Calculate the font size to fit both width and height
        val font = calculateScaledFontSize(currentSize, desiredSize)
        val style = TextStyle(
            fontSize = font.sp,
            fontFamily = FontFamily(Font(R.font.manga_master_bb)),
            color = Color.Black,
            background = Color.White,
            textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
            fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
        // Draw bounding box
            color = Color.White,
            topLeft = Offset(boundingBox.left.toFloat(),,
            size = Size(boundingBox.width().toFloat(), boundingBox.height().toFloat()),
            color = Color.Black,
            style = Stroke(width = 2f),
            topLeft = Offset(boundingBox.left.toFloat(),,
            size = Size(boundingBox.width().toFloat(), boundingBox.height().toFloat()),
        // Calculate the position to center the text within the bounding box
        val centerTextX = boundingBox.left + (boundingBox.width() - currentSize.width * font) / 2
        val centerTextY = + (boundingBox.height() - currentSize.height * font) / 2
        // Draw text centered within the bounding box
        drawIntoCanvas {
                Paint().apply {
                    this.textSize = font.sp
                    this.color = Color.Black.toArgb()
                    this.typeface = Typeface.create(Font(R.font.manga_master_bb).toFamily().first(), Typeface.BOLD)

    //Updated font scaling function

    private fun calculateScaledFontSize(
            currentSize: Size,
            desiredSize: Size,
        ): Float {
            val widthScaleFactor = desiredSize.width / currentSize.width
            val heightScaleFactor = desiredSize.height / currentSize.height
            // Choose the smaller scale factor to ensure the text fits within the bounding box
            val scaleFactor = min(widthScaleFactor, heightScaleFactor)
            // Cap the scale factor to avoid excessive font enlargement
                return min(1f, scaleFactor) // Adjust the cap value as needed

    I have updated your code with sample I was having from in code, please give it a try.