
PrimeNg mega-menu auto display

I am looking for a way to display PrimeNg Angular Mega menu on hover. Default behaviour is display on item click. Theses attributes exists on menubar components with autoDisplay, autoHide and autoHideDelay properties.

It's also exist on Primefaces JSF component Should I inherit the megamenu component to add this missing behaviour or is there a easier way to do this?

I use PrimeNg 16.9.1


  • you can achieve this By adding mouseevent for example to close on mouese leave you can add <p-megaMenu [model]="items" #megaMenu (mouseleave)="onBlur($event)"></p-megaMenu> and in .ts file make a view child like this @ViewChild('megaMenu') menuBar: any; and make a onBlur function onBlur($event: any) { this.menuBar.hide(); }