Hi I'm looking for a little help here to create a folder structure using PowerShell.
Pointing at a root folder [Yearly Structure Folder
], im looking for the following structure within this folder.
The first layer of subfolders would be the months of the year prefixed wiith a number to keep them in order.
[01. January
] through to [12. December
Inside each of the month folders would have the same sub structure as follows.
[01. General
], [02. Housekeep in
], [03. Housekeep out
], [04. Record
], [05. Timesheet
The dates of the month would be in each of the above folders and named 01.01.2024, 02.01.2024 (dd-MM-yyyy) and so forth with the amount of days in each month.
] through to [31.01.2024
] with the correct dates within that month
Then within each of the single date folders would have these folders in each one.
[01. Request
], [02. Copies
], [03. Report
], [04. Recom
], [05. Checks
], [06. Forms
I have attached an image of the general structure for the one month. I have also been looking at these posts although they are similar to what I want, When I edit them and run, I get errors and not sure how to combine them.
Creating a sub-folder structure
create a folder structure with name and date +7 days
Appreciate anyone have a bit time to help me get started with this :)
I have also been looking at these posts although they are similar to what I want, When I edit them and run, I get errors and not sure how to combine them.
Creating a sub-folder structure
create a folder structure with name and date +7 days
This is what I have so far, although I dont need to exclude dates and dont need the single dates prefixed with a number.
{New-Item -Path "C:\Yearly Structure Folder" -Type Directory
$folders = ("01. General", "02. Housekeep in", "03. Housekeep out", "04. Record", "05. Timesheet" )
$folders | ForEach { New-Item -Path "C:\Yearly Structure Folder" -Name $_ -Type Directory }
$startDate = [datetime]'01-01-2024'
$endDate = $startDate.AddMonths(12)
$startWeek = 1
$folderPath = "C:\Yearly Structure Folder\01. General"
$datesToExclude = @(
# This will Exclude 30 of December 2021
) | ForEach-Object {$_ -as [datetime]}
if($startDate -notin $datesToExclude)
$folderName = "{0} {1}" -f $startWeek, $startDate.ToString('dd.MM.yyyy')
$newFolderPath = Join-Path $folderPath -ChildPath $folderName
New-Item $newFolderPath -ItemType Directory
$startDate = $startDate.AddDays(1)
}until($startDate -ge $endDate)
You need to use Nested Loops
Here the smallest example I managed to make
I have no doubt there is some more efficient way, perhaps with hashtables
# replace the value with whatever you need
$Path = '.\'
$MonthSubDirectoryNameList = '01. General', '02. Housekeep in', '03. Housekeep out', '04. Record', '05. Timesheet'
$DaySubDirectoryNameList = '01. Request', '02. Copies', '03. Report', '04. Recom', '05. Checks', '06. Forms'
# set the year you want.
$Year = 2024
# set the starting date to january 1
$Date=Get-Date -Year $year -Month 1 -Day 1
# Set culture for the name of the Month.
# Invariant Culture FTW if you do not need some specific language
$Culture = [cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture
# for each day starting from 1 of January
# as long the Year is equal to $Year
# do stuff
# adding 1 day at the end of each loop
for ($Date; $date.year -eq $Year; $Date = $Date.AddDays(1)) {
foreach ($MonthSub in $MonthSubDirectoryNameList) {
foreach ($DaySub in $DaySubDirectoryNameList) {
#$DayDirectory = Join-Path -Path $Year -ChildPath $Date.ToString('MM. MMMM', $Culture) -AdditionalChildPath $MonthSub, $Date.ToString('dd.MM.yyyy'), $DaySub
$DayDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($year, $Date.ToString('MM. MMMM', $Culture) , $MonthSub, $Date.ToString('dd.MM.yyyy'), $DaySub)
# assigned to $null to hide the output.
$Null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PAth -Name $DayDirectory -Force