Say I have the multidimensional bus
wire logic [7:0]example_bus[60] [16][4];
and a module has the output
output logic [7:0]example_out[16][4];
How would I assign example_out to all 60 wires in example_bus?
I know how to assign it to individual wires.
example_mod example_mod1(
But I can't work out how to assign the output to the whole bus.
I have considered using a seperate assignment but I find that usually causes timing problems.
You can use an assigment pattern to make the assigments simpler
wire logic [7:0] example_bus[60] [16][4];
wire logic [7:0] example_temp [16][4];
example_mod example_mod1(
assign example_bus = '{default:example_temp};
But that won't change the fact that each wire of example_out
fans out to 60 wires in example_bus
. It is effectively the same as
for(genvar i=0;i<60;i++) begin
assign example_bus[i] = example_temp;