This is a theoritcal question whether it is possible to get the type of the unnamed struct inside its definition.
int main() {
struct {
using ThisType = ???? //what do i put here?
} _; // the instance
I tried to extract the class from a member finction pointer but it didnt work
struct get_class;
template<typename Class>
struct get_class<void(Class::*)()>{using type = Class;};
int main(){
struct {
void getThis(){}
using ThisType = typename get_class<decltype(getThis)>::type; // error cant know which function to call to determine
// i tried to static_cast but I need to know the class type still.
} _;
Is it even possible?
I wrote a library to be able to do this in a macro without naming the current type: It works in this context too.
Here's a stripped down version with just the parts you need:
#include <type_traits>
namespace detail {
template<typename Tag>
struct retrieve_type {
constexpr friend auto friend_function(retrieve_type<Tag>);
constexpr auto member_function() {
return friend_function(*this);
template<typename Tag, typename Stored>
struct store_type {
constexpr friend auto friend_function(retrieve_type<Tag>) {
return std::type_identity<Stored>{};
int main() {
struct {
struct tag_type;
auto storer() -> decltype(detail::store_type<tag_type, decltype(this)>{});
using ThisType = std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(detail::retrieve_type<tag_type>{}.member_function())::type>;
} _; // the instance
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(_)::ThisType, decltype(_)>);
This uses template metaprogramming to store the type of this
available in the scope of the trailing return type and then retrieves it later.