I've defined a fixture that accepts arguments to be used in an integration style test that requires some teardown upon completion. It looks something like this:
def create_user_in_third_party():
from clients import third_party_client
def _create_user_in_third_party(user: User):
return _create_user_in_third_party
However, we then would like to clean up the created user once the test's lifecycle is complete. In a standard fixture, that may look like:
def create_user():
user = User(name="Jim")
yield user
When applying that same paradigm to the fixture that takes args above, I am not seeing the fixture being called at all (returns a generator that isn't exercising the inner method code).
That code (not working) looks like this:
def create_user_in_third_party():
from clients import third_party_client
def _create_user_in_third_party(user: User):
yield # give back control to caller
return _create_user_in_third_party
is it possible to achieve the above without having to break up creation and deletion into two different fixtures ?
Using the docs that Andrej linked above: https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/fixtures.html#factories-as-fixtures , we can use the factory pattern approach to accrue created entities and delete them later. So it ends up looking like this:
def create_user_in_third_party():
from clients import third_party_client
created_users = []
def _create_user_in_third_party(user: User):
yield _create_user_in_third_party
for user in created_users: