I'm running Jenkinsfile to grep pm2 services from a remote server, so I use the grep utility to find the pm2 service-name. Still, Jenkins Groovy does not understand the bash commands and gives errors before building the pipeline.
Here is My Pipeline
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(defaultValue: '', description: 'List of PM2 applications', name: 'PM2_Applications')
stages {
stage('SSH transfer') {
steps([$class: 'BapSshPromotionPublisherPlugin']) {
continueOnError: false, failOnError: true,
publishers: [
configName: "server-config",
verbose: true,
transfers: [
sshTransfer(execCommand: "pm2 ls | grep -vE '^\s*id\s+' | awk '{print $4}'"),
Error I'm Getting:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 18: unexpected char: '\' @ line 18, column 75.
Command: "pm2 ls | grep -vE '^\s*id\s+'
Expected Output: It should run the pm2 command with grep and it would give the actual output of the command.
Backslash \
is an escape character in Groovy, to use it literally you need to double it \\
. Same with $
, you need to escape it - \$