We are trying to make the step from postgres 10 to 16, we already tried a while ago to lower versions 12 or 13, but updates were added in the machine and the poor performance we attribute to those updates. Now we are testing on a new machine, and we have 2 virtual machines with the same resources and same configuration in postgres.conf. The query in question is:
select numero, mov.id, mov.tipo_movimiento, mov.cliente_origen_id, mov.cliente_destino_id, mov.motivo_baja, mov.estado estado_movimiento, mov.tipo_notificacion, mov.fecha_movimiento, ( select i.id from industria i join clientesprecintos c on c.id_industria = i.id where c.id = mov.cliente_origen_id) as industria_origen_id, ( select i.id from industria i join clientesprecintos c on c.id_industria = i.id where c.id = mov.cliente_destino_id) as industria_destino_id
from (values (0,'13704147270')) as precintos (position, numero)
left join lateral ( select mp.id, mp.estado , mpt.clave as tipo_movimiento, mp.cliente_origen_id, mp.cliente_destino_id, mpmb.clave as motivo_baja, tn.clave as tipo_notificacion, fecha_ini as fecha_movimiento
from movimiento_piezas_rangos mpr
join movimiento_piezas mp on mp.id = mpr.movimiento_piezas_id
left join notificaciones n on n.id_movimiento_piezas = mp.id
left join tipos_notificaciones tn on tn.id = n.id_tipo_notificacion
join movimiento_piezas_tipo mpt on mpt.id = mp.tipo_movimiento_id
left join movimiento_piezas_motivo_baja mpmb on mpmb.id = mp.motivo_baja_id
where numero::bigint between mpr.desde and mpr.hasta and mp.estado not in ('ANULADO', 'RECHAZADO')
order by mp.fecha_ini desc limit 1 ) as mov on true
order by precintos.position;
On the machine with postgres 10, the response time is approximately 750 ms. On the machine with postgres 16, the response time goes to 4 minutes.
Reviewed documentation, it seems that there are changes from version 12. We have made changes to the query until we found a more optimal solution for v16:
Select numero, mov.id, mov.tipo_movimiento, mov.cliente_origen_id, mov.cliente_destino_id, mov.motivo_baja, mov.estado estado_movimiento, mov.tipo_notificacion, mov.fecha_movimiento, (select i.id from industria i join clientesprecintos c on c.id_industria = i.id where c.id = mov.cliente_origen_id) as industria_origen_id, (select i.id from industria i join clientesprecintos c on c.id_industria = i.id where c.id = mov.cliente_destino_id) as industria_destino_id
from (values (0,'15727625912')) as precintos (position, numero)
left join lateral (
select mp.id, mp.estado , mp.tipo_movimiento, mp.cliente_origen_id, mp.cliente_destino_id, mp.motivo_baja, tn.clave as tipo_notificacion, mp.fecha_movimiento
(WITH mp_consulta AS (
select mp.id, mp.estado , mpt.clave as tipo_movimiento, mp.cliente_origen_id, mp.cliente_destino_id, mpmb.clave as motivo_baja, fecha_ini as fecha_movimiento
from movimiento_piezas_rangos mpr
join movimiento_piezas mp on mp.id = mpr.movimiento_piezas_id
join movimiento_piezas_tipo mpt on mpt.id = mp.tipo_movimiento_id
left join movimiento_piezas_motivo_baja mpmb on mpmb.id = mp.motivo_baja_id
numero::bigint between mpr.desde and mpr.hasta and mp.estado NOT IN ('ANULADO', 'RECHAZADO'))
SELECT * FROM mp_consulta
SELECT * FROM mp_consulta ORDER BY fecha_movimiento DESC LIMIT 1
) AS union_mp
ORDER BY fecha_movimiento DESC LIMIT 1) mp
left join notificaciones n on n.id_movimiento_piezas = mp.id
left join tipos_notificaciones tn on tn.id = n.id_tipo_notificacion
) as mov on true
order by precintos.position;
We have seen
If the change were for a single query there would be no problem, but it is a large application, where we do not know how many queries we may encounter with such a different and bad performance, or if it is the same pattern.
Initially it seems that it is some scheduler configuration, which would allow good results to be obtained without changing the SQL queries.
Could you try a re-index for all indexes after upgrade. I think this might be the reason
More efficiently store duplicates in B-tree indexes (Anastasia Lubennikova, Peter Geoghegan). This allows efficient B-tree indexing of low-cardinality columns by storing duplicate keys only once. Users upgrading with pg_upgrade will need to use REINDEX to make an existing index use this feature
source - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/release-13.html#id-
Anyway you need to do a through check before upgrade to ensure the system works well after upgrade, there are some behavior changes as well
Please go through release notes of each major release to find out the changes