I referred to this blog post, "Using MATLAB with UnetStack3" ([https://blog.unetstack.net/using-matlab-with-unetstack3][1]), and added a preamble at the transmission part:
% load the baseband signal
% signal.txt contains interleaved real and imaginary values in a single column
% with values normalized between +1 and ‐1
x = load('signal.txt');
% open the modem gateway
modem = org.arl.fjage.remote.Gateway('', 1100);
% subscribe to the agent providing baseband service
bb = modem.agentForService(org.arl.unet.Services.BASEBAND);
% create the message with relevant attributes to be sent to the modem
msg = org.arl.unet.bb.TxBasebandSignalReq();
msg.setPreamble(3); % add preamble
% send the message to modem
rsp = modem.request(msg, 1000);
% check if the message was successfully sent
if isjava(rsp) && rsp.getPerformative() == org.arl.fjage.Performative.AGREE
cls = org.arl.unet.phy.TxFrameNtf().getClass();
% receive the notification message
ntf = modem.receive(cls, 5000);
It seems to work well,but how can I modify the receiver-side code:
% subscribe to the agent providing the baseband service
agent = modem.agentForService(org.arl.unet.Services.BASEBAND);
% create the message with relevant attributes to be sent to the modem
req = org.arl.unet.bb.RecordBasebandSignalReq();
% send the message to the modem and wait for the response
rsp = modem.request(req, 5000);
% check if the message was successfully sent
if isjava(rsp) && rsp.getPerformative() == org.arl.fjage.Performative.AGREE
% receive the notification message containing the signal
cls = org.arl.unet.bb.RxBasebandSignalNtf().getClass();
ntf = modem.receive(cls, 5000);
% plot the recorded signal
in order to enable the basebandRx capability, detecting the preamble, and capturing signals of specified length? [1]: https://blog.unetstack.net/using-matlab-with-unetstack3
If you attach a preamble and the same preamble is configured on the receiving modem (parameters phy[3].preamble
, phy[3].threshold
, phy[3].basebandRx
and phy[3].basebandExtra
in your example), the modem will generate a RxBasebandSignalNtf
whenever it detects a signal with that preamble. To receive the notification, you can replace your request()
in your code example with a receive()
instead, and look for the returned message being a RxBasebandSignalNtf
You can set the parameters on the modem beforehand, or use MATLAB to set parameters on the modem via a ParameterReq
This is all documented in the Unet Handbook section 16.4 with code examples.