I have an X-Y plot and I want to repopulate the same plot with another Y1. Basically to transform the existing X-Y plot to X-Y-Y1 plot. Because I want to automate and add multiple Ys to the same plot I thought initializing an empty int list would do the trick. The following code is my attempt:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tkinter import *
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import (
FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk)
class Program_Class:
def __init__(self, master):
# Main Window parameters
# Creating a figure object with transparency
transparent = (0, 0, 0, 0)
plot_2D = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2), facecolor=transparent)
# Creating axes object and attributing it the plot_2D figure
self.axes = plot_2D.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
# Generating data which will be used for X axis
dt = 1
t = np.arange(0, 30, dt)
self.x = t
# Generating data which will be used for Y axis
self.y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 0.2 * t)
# Generating data which will be used for Y1 axis
self.y1 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 5 * t)
# Creating an empty list
self.axes_plot = [[None] for _ in range(4)]
# Indexing the empty list with the generated data for X and Y
self.axes_plot[0] = self.x
self.axes_plot[1] = self.y
# Populatind the axes using list
self.axes.plot(self.axes_plot, linewidth=2.0) # <----- here it give me an error
# ValueError: Input could not be cast to an at-least-1D NumPy array
# Drawing the object figure on top of Main Window
color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (196, 233, 242)
self.Canvas_plot2D = FigureCanvasTkAgg(plot_2D, Main)
self.Canvas_plot2D.get_tk_widget().config(bg=color, width = 400, height=300)
# Creating a button for adding another Y axes
extract_2d_button=Button(Main, text="Add Y1", width=10, heigh=2, command = self.add_Y1)
extract_2d_button.place(anchor='nw',x=10, y=460)
# My attempt at adding another Y axis
def add_Y1(self):
# Updating the list with Y1
self.axes_plot[2] = self.x
self.axes_plot[3] = self.y1
# Repopulating the plot
self.axes.plot(self.axes_plot, linewidth=2.0)
Main = Tk()
Any help would be appreciated :)
EDIT: Thank you László Hunyadi. Based on your wonderful suggestion I edited my answer.
# Creating an empty list
self.axes_plot = [[None] for _ in range(4)]
# Indexing the empty list with the generated data for X and Y
self.axes_plot[0] = self.x
self.axes_plot[1] = self.y
# Populatind the axes with list inde
self.axes.plot(self.axes_plot[0],self.axes_plot[1], linewidth=2.0)
# Drawing the object figure on top of Main Window
color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (196, 233, 242)
self.Canvas_plot2D = FigureCanvasTkAgg(plot_2D, Main)
self.Canvas_plot2D.get_tk_widget().config(bg=color, width = 400, height=300)
# Variable to be used as argument for Button command
# In this case arg1 returns '2' and since the indexing starts from '0', arg1 can be used directly to extend the list
arg1 = len(self.axes_plot)
# Creating a button for adding another Y axes
extract_2d_button=Button(Main, text="Add Y1", width=10, heigh=2, command= lambda: self.add_Y1(arg1))
extract_2d_button.place(anchor='nw',x=10, y=460)
# Automating adding a new Y1 to the plot by extending the list
def add_Y1(self, a):
# Updating the list with Y1
# Repopulating the plot. Axes X can be reused from self.axes_plot[0]
self.axes.plot(self.axes_plot[0], self.axes_plot[a], linewidth=2.0)
Modify the self.axes.plot
calls to pass self.axes_plot[0]
and self.axes_plot[1]
as separate arguments, instead of passing self.axes_plot
as a asingle argument:
self.axes.plot(self.axes_plot[0], self.axes_plot[1], linewidth=2.0)
def add_Y1(self):
self.axes_plot[2] = self.x
self.axes_plot[3] = self.y1
self.axes.plot(self.axes_plot[2], self.axes_plot[3], linewidth=2.0)