I am using Chewie
to display videos in my Flutter app. I have a full screen videos that looks like the image below:
I want to display the videos in the following format with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
Is it possible to achieve this automatically using Chewie without stretching or compressing the video or is there another way to achieve this. I tried various solutions I found online using AspectRatio
, FittedBox
and SizedBox.expanded
widgets without any success.
Here's a combined approach that incorporates the best aspects of previous suggestions and addresses potential issues:
Chewie's autoInitialize property might not always wait for the video's actual aspect ratio. To ensure control, manually initialize the VideoPlayerController:
final videoPlayerController = VideoPlayerController.network(yourVideoUrl);
Future<void> initializePlayer() async {
await videoPlayerController.initialize();
setState(() {});} // Rebuild the widget with the aspect ratio
Call initializePlayer() in your initState or a similar lifecycle method.
Wrap the Chewie widget with an AspectRatio widget:
aspectRatio: videoPlayerController.value.aspectRatio,
child: Chewie(...),),// Your Chewie configuration
This ensures the Chewie widget respects the video's natural aspect ratio within the AspectRatio container. 3. Optional: Constrain Within a Container (if needed):
If you need further control over the video's placement, wrap the AspectRatio widget with a Container:
width: double.infinity,
height: double.infinity,
child: AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: videoPlayerController.value.aspectRatio,
child: Chewie(...),),),
This ensures the video fills the available space while maintaining its aspect ratio within the container.