I have a dataset that contains country abbreviations based on ISO-3 codes, as well as some of their values.
# Create a dataframe with ISO-3 codes and random values
iso3 <- c("USA", "CAN", "GBR", "FRA", "GER")
random_values <- runif(5, min = 1, max = 100) # Generating random values between 1 and 100
# Combine ISO-3 codes and random values into a dataframe
country_data <- data.frame(ISO_3 = iso3, Random_Values = random_values)
But now, I have a new challenge before me. This challenge consists of the fact that I want to first select a specific country and then find its neighboring countries.
Can someone help me with how to find the neighboring countries of an already selected country?
With the data you have provided, there isn't any way to do this. However, GeoDataSource provides this data for free from their "Download" page (scroll down to the very bottom to the "Country Borders").
You can easily read this data into R using read.csv
country_code country_name country_border_code country_border_name
1 AD Andorra FR France
2 AD Andorra ES Spain
3 AE United Arab Emirates OM Oman
4 AE United Arab Emirates SA Saudi Arabia
5 AF Afghanistan CN China
6 AF Afghanistan IR Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The data contains the ISO 2-digit codes only. If you need the ISO 3-digit codes, you can link this data to the ISO_3166_1
dataset provided by the ISOcodes package.
Alpha_2 Alpha_3 Numeric Name Official_name Common_name
1 AW ABW 533 Aruba <NA> <NA>
2 AF AFG 004 Afghanistan Islamic Republic of Afghanistan <NA>
3 AO AGO 024 Angola Republic of Angola <NA>
4 AI AIA 660 Anguilla <NA> <NA>
5 AX ALA 248 Åland Islands <NA> <NA>
6 AL ALB 008 Albania Republic of Albania <NA>
data <- inner_join(data, select(ISO_3166_1, Alpha_2, Alpha_3),
country_code country_name country_border_code country_border_name Alpha_3
1 AD Andorra FR France AND
2 AD Andorra ES Spain AND
3 AE United Arab Emirates OM Oman ARE
4 AE United Arab Emirates SA Saudi Arabia ARE
5 AF Afghanistan CN China AFG
6 AF Afghanistan IR Iran (Islamic Republic of) AFG
To see which country has the most border countries:
count(data, Alpha_3) |> slice_max(n)
Alpha_3 n
1 CHN 16
Select any particular country and show which countries are its neighbors.
filter(data, Alpha_3=="CHN")
country_code country_name country_border_code country_border_name Alpha_3
1 CN China AF Afghanistan CHN
2 CN China BT Bhutan CHN
3 CN China HK Hong Kong CHN
4 CN China IN India CHN
5 CN China KZ Kazakhstan CHN
6 CN China KP Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) CHN
7 CN China KG Kyrgyzstan CHN
8 CN China LA Lao People's Democratic Republic CHN
9 CN China MO Macao CHN
10 CN China MN Mongolia CHN
11 CN China MM Myanmar CHN
12 CN China NP Nepal CHN
13 CN China PK Pakistan CHN
14 CN China RU Russian Federation CHN
15 CN China TJ Tajikistan CHN
16 CN China VN Viet Nam CHN
Just for fun, you can plot this using a variety of R packages:
world <- ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")
China <- filter(data, Alpha_3=="CHN") |>
mutate(country_border_name=case_when( # Fix some inconsistencies
country_border_name=="Russian Federation"~"Russia",
country_border_name=="Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)"~"North Korea",
country_border_name=="Lao People's Democratic Republic"~"Laos",
country_border_name=="Viet Nam"~"Vietnam",
China_map <- world %>%
mutate(value = factor(case_when(admin %in% "China"~"China",
admin %in% China$country_border_name~"Neighbour",
ggplot(data = China_map) +
geom_sf(aes(fill=value)) +