Please see my code below. I am able to create a Map. I do not know how to read the values in the collection of records that are part of the Value in the Map.
Please help.
List<OrderDestinationItem__c> ordersOfAllUsers = new List<OrderDestinationItem__c>();
ordersOfAllUsers = [SELECT CreatedById, Id, CreatedDate, OrdStatus__c, Total_Line_Amount__c From OrderDestinationItem__c Where CreatedDate > 2024-04-10T07:27:52.000+0000 and Total_Line_Amount__c > 20];
Map<Id, List<OrderDestinationItem__c>> usersOrdersMap = new Map<Id, List<OrderDestinationItem__c>>();
for ( OrderDestinationItem__c currentOrderedItem : ordersOfAllUsers){
if (!usersOrdersMap.containsKey(currentOrderedItem.CreatedById)){
usersOrdersMap.put(currentOrderedItem.CreatedById, new List<OrderDestinationItem__c>{currentOrderedItem});
} else {
Once you have your Map ready one way to loop through it all would be with keyset()
for(Id userId : usersOrdersMap.keyset()){
List<OrderDestinationItem__c> temp = usersOrdersMap.get(userId);
System.debug('User ' + userId + ' has ' + temp.size() + ' items';
// System.debug(temp);