
Point must only contain numeric elements, instead got type string

enter image description here

I'm working with node (using the MongoClient library) and mongodb, trying to add a geospatial index to my data

The records in my collection have a longitude and latitude field. I understand that in order to create a geospatial index, you need a location field that corresponds to the geoJson point format ( . Therefore after inserting the data I run:

async function addLocation() {
  const res = collection.updateMany(
    { location: { $exists: false } }, // filter
      $set: {
        location: {
          type: "Point",
          coordinates: ["$longitude", "$latitude"],

Next, I tried to add a geospatial index with:

async function createIndex() {

  try {

    await collection.createIndex({ location: "2dsphere" });
    console.log('Index created');

  } catch (err) {

This gives the error in the title

Looking at the records I saw the screenshot. I assume the long, lat fields should have numbers instead of operators.

How can I fix addLocation, so that it puts correct values in the long, lat fields?


  • to update fields based on values of other fields or if you want to use complex expressions(ex- $map etc) you'll have to use the bracket notation with updates
    see aggregation pipeline with updates

      const res = collection.updateMany(
        { location: { $exists: false } },
          $set: {
            location: {
              type: "Point",
              coordinates: ["$longitude", "$latitude"],