I currently have this code. This opens the YT search in a new tab when you click the middle-mouse button:
(function() {
'use strict';
var searchIcon = document.getElementById("search-icon-legacy");
if (searchIcon) {
searchIcon.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
var searchInput = document.getElementsByClassName("ytd-searchbox")[3].value.trim();
if (event.which === 2 && searchInput) {
window.open("https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + encodeURIComponent(searchInput), "_blank");
I'm now trying to focus the search suggestions by middle-clicking them, but I'm struggling because I don't know how to bring them into focus like the search button, which is an element.
if what you want is to open the one of the search suggestions in another tab using a middle-mouse click, then this should work:
function callback(event){
if (!event.button === 1) return; // return if not middle button
const ele = event.target.closest('div.sbqs_c');
if (!ele) return; // guard incase it's wrong element because we are listening on `body` instead of `<ul>`
const url = `https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=${encodeURIComponent(ele.textContent)}`;
window.open(url, '_blank');
document.body.addEventListener('auxclick', callback);
you can add the 'auxclick' listener to the specific element (ul.sbsb_b) instead of the body, but you'll have to use a mutation observer for that, since the suggestions box does not load until the user interacts with the search box.