
How do I update a Cassandra Lucene index with a new column without rebuilding?

It seems that you can only create one Lucene index for one table in Cassandra.

And if you want to add a new field to the index, you need to drop that old Lucene index and reindex.

But reindex for data on one node is time consuming.

Am I right?

I didnt find a way to update the lucence index with a new column in Cassandra.

Appreciate your comment.



  • There isn't a way to alter a Lucene index in Cassandra once it has been created.

    The only way I'm aware of is by dropping the index then recreating it with the updated list of fields (columns) you want to index which you referred to.

    I agree that it is time-consuming if there is a lot of data to index and also means a temporary loss of ability to query the data until the indexing completes. Cheers!