I'm currently making a strict type checked script but can't find a way to type annotate a variable that requires a Module Script without using the type any
which is bad practice.
local moduleScript: any = require(script.SomethingModule) -- How do I change the any type here?
moduleScript:NotMethodAndShouldRaiseWarning() -- Using the any type doesn't give warnings for non-existant methods
local SomethingModule = {}
function SomethingModule.DoSomething()
print("Doing something")
return SomethingModule
I tried looking at the Roblox Creator Hub documentation and Luau website for how to type annotate a Module Script but can't find anything about it.
So how would I define the type for a Module Script?
You are looking for the export type
The Luau documentation has a section for 'Module Interactions' and you can pair that with the section for 'Adding types for faux object oriented programs' which you can use to describe your ModuleScript's returned table.
For example, in your ModuleScript :
-- define the shape of the ModuleScript's returned table
export type MathUtilImpl = {
add : (a: number, b: number)-> number,
subtract : (a: number, b: number) -> number,
local MathUtil : MathUtilImpl = {}
function MathUtil.add(a, b)
return a + b
function MathUtil.subtract(a, b)
return a - b
return MathUtil
I'm not using --!strict
in the ModuleScript because I didn't want to define everything on the local MathUtil
line. But the documentation has suggestions on how to do it.
Including your ModuleScript will bring the exported types with it. Then, Roblox's linter will give warnings if you are using something incorrectly.
Then in your Script :
local MathUtil = require(script.ModuleScript)
print(MathUtil.add(1, 2)) -- returns 3
print(MathUtil.subtract("foo", "bar")) -- gives errors 'Type "string" could not be converted to number'
print(MathUtil.multiply(3, 4)) -- gives error 'Key "multiply" not found on table "MathUtil"'