I have a JavaScript function with an event button to get ID of instagram users, but the problem is that it will only get the ID of the first user, and if I try to go to another profile, it gives the ID of the old profile, instead of getting of the current page profile?
(function() {
'use strict';
// Function to extract profile ID from the Instagram page
function getProfileId() {
// Extracting profile ID from the page source
var pageSource = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
var profileIdPattern = /"profilePage_(\d+)"/;
var matches = pageSource.match(profileIdPattern);
if (matches && matches.length > 1) {
return matches[1];
return null;
// Function to copy text to clipboard
function copyToClipboard(text) {
GM_setClipboard(text, 'text');
// Function to create and append a copy button to the Instagram page
function createCopyButton() {
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = 'Copy Profile ID';
button.style.position = 'fixed';
button.style.top = '20px';
button.style.right = '20px';
button.style.zIndex = '9999';
button.style.padding = '10px';
button.style.border = 'none';
button.style.backgroundColor = '#3897f0';
button.style.color = '#fff';
button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
var profileId = getProfileId();
if (profileId) {
console.log('Profile ID copied to clipboard:', profileId);
alert('Profile ID copied to clipboard:\n' + profileId);
} else {
console.log('Profile ID not found.');
alert('Profile ID not found.');
// Run the function to create the copy button when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener('load', createCopyButton);
How do I fix it such, that it reloads everytime I go try get the ID of a new profile after the first one?
The user_id
is not always present in the page's html, you'll have to use the api for a consistent result.
to keep modifications minimal, you could replace the getProfileId
function with this:
function getProfileId() {
const username_div = document.querySelector('header > section > div:first-child > div:first-child'); // this div should contain the user handle
if (!username_div) return;
const url = `https://www.instagram.com/api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username=${username_div.textContent}`;
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', url, false); // synchronous request
request.setRequestHeader('x-ig-app-id', '936619743392459'); // important header, will get error(400) without it
const obj = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
return obj.data.user.id;
if you want to use fetch, you'll have to use a callback or change your functions to use async/await.
Also, you might want to show the button only on profile pages, perhaps by listening for navigation events.
eg: window.navigation.addEventListener('navigatesuccess', () => setTimeout(toggleButton, 1000))
could be something like this:
function toggleButton(){
const button = document.querySelector('#get-id');
const target = document.querySelector('header > section > div:first-child');
button && (button.style.visibility = target ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
and make sure to add these lines at the end of the createCopyButton
button.id = 'get-id';