
R chrome_print() landscape = T not resizing HTML on print?

I am creating a report in my R Shiny app that sends parameters to knit a html file and then runs chrome_print() on that to convert it to a PDF. The reason it is done this way is because I want to send my echarts4r widgets as parameters to save compute time and maintain SVG lossless quality.

The issue I am having is that when I set landscape = T it does not seem to adjust the widget to the width of the print area. It does print to the correct width when performing the operation manually through a non headless browser.

Here is a minimal example below:

R Markdown ``` --- title: "Untitled" author: "fullera" date: "r Sys.Date()" output: html_document ---

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Output the plot
mtcars |>
e_charts(cyl,renderer = 'svg') |>
e_line(mpg) |> e_animation(show = F)

R Code ``` library(echarts4r) library(pagedown)

pagedown::chrome_print(input = 'untitled.html', output = 'foo.pdf', options = 


  • I ended up solving this by using the chromote package

    More details at the URL: https://nanx.me/blog/post/chromote-pdf-automation/

    #' Print HTML to PDF using chromote
    #' @param url Input URL
    #' @param filename Output file name
    #' @param wait_ If TRUE, run in synchronous mode,
    #' otherwise, run in asynchronous mode.
    #' @param ... Additional parameters for Page.printToPDF, see
    #' <https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Page/#method-printToPDF>
    #' for possible options.
    print_to_pdf <- function(url, filename = NULL, wait_ = FALSE, ...) {
      if (is.null(filename)) {
        filename <- url |>
          gsub("^.*://", "", x = _) |>
          gsub("/$", "", x = _) |>
          fs::path_sanitize(replacement = "_") |>
      b <- ChromoteSession$new()
      p <-
          b$Page$navigate(url, wait_ = FALSE)
        } %...>%
          b$Page$loadEventFired(wait_ = FALSE, timeout_ = 2000)
        } %...>%
          b$Page$printToPDF(..., wait_ = FALSE,landscape = T)
        } %...>%
        } %...>%
          outfile <- file(filename, "wb")
          base64enc::base64decode(., output = outfile)
        } %...>%
        } %>%
        finally(~ b$close())
      if (wait_) {
      } else {
    f <- "https://nanx.me/blog/post/r-readability-parser/example.html" |>
      curl::curl_download(destfile = 'downloaded.html')
      paste0("file://", normalizePath(f, winslash = "/")),
      filename = "example.pdf",
      wait_ = TRUE