I want to use staggerChildren in my Next.js app with Framer Motion, and it works fine. But when I add delay to the variants, they all appear at once, after the delay.
I tried adding both to the variants but it's not working. I also tried delayChildren: 1, and staggerChildren: 1.25 but they're not working as well.
initial: {
opacity: 0,
enter: {
opacity: 1,
transition: {
duration: 0.25,
delay: 1,
staggerChildren: 0.25,
<motion.h1 initial="initial" animate="enter" variants={TEXT_VARIANTS}>
<motion.span variants={TEXT_VARIANTS}>John</motion.span>{" "}
<motion.span variants={TEXT_VARIANTS} className="circle">
</motion.span>{" "}
<motion.span variants={TEXT_VARIANTS}>John</motion.span>
Replace delay
with delayChildren
. You can additionally create variants for an individual item. Here's a code-sandbox with working code: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/jovial-dewdney-dq33km