I faced an issue with my Jenkins pipeline. This pipeline have worked for a long time. After that it started to fail with the auth to docker registry error.
unauthorized: User is unauthorized to upload to docker-registry/kong/k/_uploads
There were no changes made in the pipeline. So maybe anyone has an idea what's wrong with the pipeline below?
// scripted pipeline
// script properties with input parameters.Version as string input parameter
string(defaultValue: 'latest', description: '', name: 'tag', trim: false)
def registry = [
url : 'docker-registry-url',
credentials: "creds"
checkout scm
// check if file kong_v.txt exists
if(fileExists(file: 'kong_v.txt')){
docker.image('python:3.9').withRun() { c ->
sh "pip3 install jinja2 pyyaml schema"
sh "python3 generate_dockerfile.py > Dockerfile"
// parse file, split by new line, filter out comments and empty strings.
def kong_versions = readFile('kong_v.txt').split('\n').findAll{line ->
line.startsWith('#') == false && line.isEmpty() == false
// for each kong version build docker image
kong_versions.each{kong_version ->
kong_version = kong_version.trim()
withDockerRegistry(url:"https://$registry.url" ,credentialsId:"$registry.credentials"){
sh "docker build --build-arg=KONG_VERSION=$kong_version -t $registry.url/kong/kong-$k:$tag ."
sh "docker push $registry.url/kong/kong-$k:$tag"
} else {
throw new Exception("kong_v.txt file not found")
Thanks to all! It was an issue related to expired registry credentials stored in Jenkins secret. It was fixed after refreshing credentials.