I'm customizing an Odoo eCommerce website and I need to modify the add_qty parameter in the product details page dynamically via a URL parameter. I'm extending the WebsiteSale class to achieve this.
Here's my code snippet:
class WebsiteSaleCustom(WebsiteSale):
def _prepare_product_values(self, product, category, search, **kwargs):
values = super()._prepare_product_values(product, category, search, **kwargs)
values['add_qty'] = int(kwargs.get('add_qty', 1))
return values
This solution works as expected upon the first load of the product details page. However, the issue arises when attempting to dynamically update the add_qty parameter.
Suppose i hit this link
Quantity will set 5. For first time, it is setting 5 but if i change quantity it not changing in quantity field. It's remaining 5.
Any insights or suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
To address issues related to outdated or incorrect data being fetched by Odoo due to caching, you can use the method request.env.registry._clear_cache()
before applying your solution. This method clears the cache, ensuring that Odoo fetches fresh data.
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import WebsiteSale
class WebsiteSaleCustom(WebsiteSale):
def _prepare_product_values(self, product, category, search, **kwargs):
values = super()._prepare_product_values(product, category, search, **kwargs)
values['add_qty'] = int(kwargs.get('add_qty', 1))
return values