I have the following code:
@Published var path:[Screen] = []
var launchScreens:[Screen] = [.someOtherView, .launch]
init() {
path.append(contentsOf: launchScreens)
It works as expected and appends launchScreens to my path variable. When I add other enum values, they are also added to the NavigationPath, and when bound to my NavigationStack, the other view show in the order added.
However; if I want to use a NavigationPath instead of a [Screen] (as below) I get an error that says "Extraneous argument label 'contentsOf:' in call"
@Published var path = NavigationPath()
var launchScreens:[Screen] = [.someOtherView, .launch]
init() {
path.append(contentsOf: launchScreens)
If I remove the "contentsOf", the compiler doesn't complain, but the screens fail to load correctly. I'd like to use NavigationPath because I have different View types besides 'Screen' to add.
How can I append an array of views to NavigationPath?
simply does not have such a method. You need to call append
multiple times, with a loop.
You can write an extension like this
extension NavigationPath {
mutating func append<S: Sequence>(contentsOf sequence: S) where S.Element: Hashable {
for elem in sequence {
You should not think of NavigationPath
as a "collection". It does not conform to any of the collection protocols like RangeReplaceableCollection
In this specific situation, since path
is empty initially, you can also initialise path
like this:
@Published var path: NavigationPath
var launchScreens:[Screen] = [.someOtherView, .launch]
init() {
path = NavigationPath(launchScreens)
This obviously wouldn't work if path
is not empty, because it would overwrite the existing elements in path