I am trying to draw text on the center of the existing image but not able to achieve desired result:
Here is so far i have tried
convert src-image.png -gravity center -pointsize 144 -fill red -annotate -50 'REGISTERED' temp2.png
I am able to achieve text in the center at an angle, but my requirement is to have such text for multiple image dimensions which can vary.
Here is one of the reference i tried but cannot get exact command to work.
Please let me know how can i achieve this following result for variable image dimensions.
Expected image:
I was able to achieve the desired result using following shell script reference from the linked answer:
# Width, height and text
# Get pointsize ImageMagick thinks is good
pointsize=$(convert -gravity center -size ${w}x${h} caption:"$text" -format "%[caption:pointsize]" info:)
echo ImageMagick likes pointsize: $pointsize
# So draw text in that size on larger canvas, trim to bounds of letters and resize to desired size
convert $source_file -gravity center -fill white -size ${wb}x${hb} -pointsize $pointsize -annotate -45 "$text" -trim +repage -resize ${w}x${h}\! $target_file
./paint.sh 5237 7852 "REGISTERED" input-image.jpeg result.jpg