
Is there a way to recognize when Video Players (YouTube + Vimeo) get blocked by 403 Forbidden to display an image instead?

We have a site on which we display a stage video for all users. But there is a specific client that blocks all videos with a 403 forbidden status on their devices and we want to display an image when we notice that the videos are blocked.

We embed videos from either YouTube or Vimeo.




<div class="vimeo__player js-vimeo__player embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"


<div class="vimeo__player js-youtube__player embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9" id="ytplayer">
    <iframe class="ytplayer"
            title="YouTube video player"
            allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture">

Is there a way to recognize when the video gets blocked with a status code of 403 forbidden?


  • After researching this issue for some time, the solution that worked for me was the following:

    General init

    // If there are videos (either Vimeo or YouTube) present on the page,
    // initialize them
    if (hasYouTubeVideo) {
    if (hasVimeoVideo) {

    YouTube implementation (iFrame API)

    let ytIFrameApiInitialized = false;
    function initYouTubeIFrameApi(): void {
        // Only run iFrame API init once
        if (ytIFrameApiInitialized) {
        // This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
        const tag = document.createElement('script');
        tag.onerror = () => onIFrameApiError();
        tag.src = "";
        const firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
        // Set boolean to true to not initialize it more than once
        ytIFrameApiInitialized = true;
    // In case the initial script load of the YouTube iFrame API
    // encounters an error, this function will be called.
    function onIFrameApiError(): void {
        console.error('Error occurred during YouTube iFrame API initialization');
        // Then ==> Show images instead of YouTube video
        // (for all YouTube videos)
    // The onYouTubeIframeAPIReady function needs to be declared as a
    // window object in TypeScript to be available when called by the
    // API in another scope
    declare global {  
        interface Window { onYouTubeIframeAPIReady: any; }  
    window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() {  
    // This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player) after the
    // API code downloads  
    function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {  
    // The actual function to create YouTube videos for multiple
    // components on the page
    function createYouTubeVideos(): void {  
        // Loop through all available YouTube video components
    document.querySelectorAll(selectorOfYouTubeVideoComponent).forEach((youTubeVideo) => {  
            // create new YouTube player
            new YT.Player(youTubePlayerId, {  
                videoId: youTubeVideoId,  
                events: {  
                    'onReady': onPlayerReady,  
                    'onError': onYouTubeError,  
                playerVars: {  
                    // options ... 
        // The YouTube iFrame API will call this function when the video
        // player is ready
        function onPlayerReady(e) {  
        // The YouTube iFrame API will call this function when there's an
        // error when playing the video
        function onYouTubeError(e): void {  
            console.error('Error occurred during YouTube video player (video-ID: ' + + ')');
            // Then ==> Show image instead of video
            // (only this specific video)

    Vimeo implementation ("@vimeo/player": "^2.13.0")

    function createVimeoVideos(): void {
        // Loop through all available Vimeo video components
    document.querySelectorAll(selectorOfVimeoComponent).forEach((vimeoVideo) => {
            const vimeoPlayer: VimeoPlayer = new VimeoPlayer(vimeoPlayerId, options);
            // Catching errors of vimeo player when indicating "ready"
            vimeoPlayer.ready().then(() => {
                // console.log('==> Vimeo Player "ready"!');
            }).catch(error => {
                console.error('Error occurred on Vimeo video player during "ready" (video-ID: ' + vimeoId + '):', error);
                // Then ==> Show image instead of video
                // (only this specific video)
            // Catching errors of vimeo player when indicating "play" (not required to start the player, though)
   => {
                // console.log('==> Vimeo Player "play"!');
            }).catch(error => {
                console.error('Error occurred on Vimeo video player during "play" (video-ID: ' + vimeoId + '):', error);
                // Then ==> Show image instead of video
                // (only this specific video)
            // Catching general errors of vimeo player when indicating "error"
            vimeoPlayer.on('error', (error) => {
                console.error('Error occurred on Vimeo video player with "error" (video-ID: ' + vimeoId + '):', error);
                // Then ==> Show image instead of video
                // (only this specific video)
             * Attention: A timeout solution most likely never really is a
             * good option, but in this case and with my current ability,
             * it was the only solution that worked in that specific case
             * where only one of the CDN of Vimeo were blocked, but not
             * "" itself:
             * -
             * -
             * Catch instantiating error for Vimeo player if no valid
             * origin URL could be set after the given timeout.
             * Especially needed the specific case in which
             * "" would be blocked by the user's
             * system. The timeout should not be lower than 1000, as it
             * might fire too early, even though the player might still
             * work.
            setTimeout(() => {
                // @ts-ignore (needed for "origin" not being present in
                // the Player-class, but available on the player object)
                if (vimeoPlayer.origin === '*') {
                    console.error('Vimeo video player (video-ID: ' + vimeoId + ') could not be initiated.');
                    // Then ==> Show image instead of Vimeo video
                    // (this specific video)
            }, 1500);