Say we have
HStack(alignment: .top, spacing: 12) {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 4, bottom: 0, trailing: 12))
How to compose that for use everywhere?
Can it be done?
You can write BlahStack
like this:
public struct BlahStack<Content: View>: View {
let alignment: VerticalAlignment
let spacing: CGFloat
let content: Content
public init(
alignment: VerticalAlignment = .top,
spacing: CGFloat = 12,
@ViewBuilder _ content: () -> Content
) {
self.alignment = alignment
self.spacing = spacing
self.content = content()
public var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: alignment, spacing: spacing) {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 4, bottom: 0, trailing: 12))