ive been trying to make a chess bot using pillow and discord.py, but when i try to paste a png photo with no background it replace the background to black
ps: you need to write pip install pillow in the terminal/shell to use the code
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
img = Image.new(mode="RGB", size=(410, 410), color="white")
black_rook = Image.open("black_rook.png")
currect_image = black_rook
img.paste(currect_image, (50, 50))
the rook image file board image
if you want to check this its currectly on replit, my account name is shomshom37 and the project is "Game_hub_bot1.0", heres a link: https://replit.com/@shomshom375573
i expected the image to be pasted without the background, insted it added the background to the picture
You need to use the alpha channel of the image as the mask when pasting, like this:
img.paste(currect_image, (50, 50), currect_image)
Otherwise all the pixels of the background image are affected, rather than only those where the pasted image is opaque.