I have 2 columns. A and B - there is a list of project names and maybe duplicate (which is Ok) in column A. and there is a list of numbers related to that project name in column B.
I want to look for project names and grab the number next to that cell for adding up.
I have searched for different formulas, but none of them could help me.
however this one was better but not complete and working.
"here there should be some formula to grab the next cell) and them all )
we may have 10 or 20 duplicate project names, and it's necessary to sum up all numbers next to that project.
Thanks for your time guys.
try any of these:
=FILTER(B:B; A:A="projectname")
=VLOOKUP("projectname"; A:B; 2; )
=QUERY(A:B; "select Col2 where Col1 = 'projectname'"; )
*any of these can be wrapped into SUM if needed