is there any way to concat array literals in rust?
For example, I want an array like [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 9]
I can define an array [0; 8]
and a [6, 9]
, but is there any way to write this into one definition? The only way I know is writing the whole thing out like
let array: [u8; 10] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 9];
But is there any way then to wrap the zeros? If I for example want 500 instead of 8 zeros?
I only know it's possible to concat the arrays in runtime, and that's also very complicated, but is there like a literal syntax where you can combine to slices?
Thank you
There is no syntax for that, but that is possible, and a macro can make this nicer:
macro_rules! concat_arrays {
( $ty:ty, $default:expr => $($arr:expr),* $(,)? ) => {{
const __CONCAT_ARRAYS__LEN: usize = 0 $( + $arr.len() )*;
let mut result = [$default; __CONCAT_ARRAYS__LEN];
let mut result_idx = 0;
let arr = $arr;
let mut src_idx = 0;
while src_idx < arr.len() {
result[result_idx] = arr[src_idx];
src_idx += 1;
result_idx += 1;
let array: [u8; 10] = concat_arrays!(u8, 0 => [0; 8], [6, 9]);
is just some temporary value needed for the macro. It can be worked around with more powerful const eval or unsafe code.