
Upload Autoconf tarball (distribution) to GitLab release

I have a project that uses Automake as the build system and it is hosted on GitLab. When I create a release, GitLab automatically adds a tarball (with git archive). Automake creates so called distributions with make dist that generates the configure script and other files. With the distribution the user has to run the configure script and does not need any Autotool.

How can I add the distribution to the GitLab release for download?

I don't see a way to upload it, I can just add URLs to other online resources.


  • The main purpose of GitLab is a Git hosting, not a generic file hosting. They expect you to upload your release archives somewhere on your own site and then you can link them on a "Release" page.

    However, they provide additional services which can help you:

    Sure, some other Git-based services, like Github, provide you dedicated storage for releases. Using Github you can upload files directly on "Release" page.