The issue I am facing is that my v-if elements are displaying regardless of whether their value resolves to null, 'null', false, or falsy. Here is a minimal reproducible example: JS Fiddle
<select id="city-select" multiple :disabled="citiesLoading" v-model="selectedCities">
<option value="">Select cities</option>
<option v-for="city in cities" :value="city.lID" :key="city.lID">
{{ city.lCity }}<span v-if="city.lAdminName">, {{ city.lAdminName }}</span>
<span v-if="city.lCapital">({{ city.lCapital }})</span>
The expected result in this Fiddle, is:
I've intentionally made one of the fields null, and another an empty string, to show that both produce an unexpected outcome.
What could I be doing wrong here? The list of what I've tried so far is exhaustive, to the point I believe I must be overlooking something fundamental.
This is specific to how the application is rendered. Since in-DOM template is used, it needs to comply HTML specification. Nested element cannot exist inside option
, and <span v-if="city.lAdminName">
is removed before it reaches template compiler.
element is an exception, it can exist inside elements with such restrictions such as option
, tr
, etc and is intended for template fragments both in HTML and Vue.
It should be:
{{ city.lCity }}<template v-if="city.lAdminName">, {{ city.lAdminName }}</template>