I have a dropdown with chosen select plugin
@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ML.AccountID, Model.Accounts, new { id = "ddl_account", @class = "form-control form-control-sm chosen-select", @multiple = true })
Via jquery I want to make it single select or multi select based on some value
if (element_text.includes('a')) {
else {
$("#ddl_account").attr("multiple", true).trigger('chosen:updated');
But it does not make any difference , if the element_text contain a , it will still be multiselect dropdown , although in inspect window, multiple attribute has been removed.
I also tried with prop
if (element_text.includes('a')) {
$("#ddl_account").prop("multiple", false).trigger('chosen:updated');
else {
$("#ddl_account").prop("multiple", true).trigger('chosen:updated');
How can I switch chosen select from single to multiple and vice versa ? Jquery version is 3.3.1
A workaround to do that is first destroy the existing Chosen instance, then Update the <select>
element to be either single or multiple select based on your condition, and after that re-initialize Chosen to reflect the changes
function toggleDropdown(element_text) {
var $select = $("#ddl_account");
if (element_text.includes('a')) {
$select.prop("multiple", false);
} else {
$select.prop("multiple", true);
width: "100%",
disable_search_threshold: 10