
Can scipy.optimize Find Optimal Input Values When Multiple Products are Involved?

I'd like to find the optimal values for Input A for Product 1 and for Input A for Product 2 with the aim to maximize Total Output and subject to a given constraint. I've tried using Python's Scipy minimize function and it works if I have just one Product but it does not work for multiple Products.

Can scipy.optimize Find Optimal Input Values When Multiple Products are Involved?

Here is what I tried assuming just two Products exist (In reality I have several thousand such Products):

import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import minimize 
Product1_InputB = np.array([0.5])
Product1_InputC = np.array([1])
Product1_InputD = np.array([1])
Product1_InputE = np.array([0.08])
Product1_InputF = np.array([20])

Product2_InputB = np.array([0.5])
Product2_InputC = np.array([1])
Product2_InputD = np.array([2])
Product2_InputE = np.array([0.1])
Product2_InputF = np.array([30])
def Neg_Product1_Output(Product1_InputA):
    return -1 * ((2.71828**((Product1_InputA-Product1_InputB)*(0.5*Product1_InputC-1.5*Product1_InputD)))/(1+(2.71828**((Product1_InputA-Product1_InputB)*(0.5*Product1_InputC-1.5*Product1_InputD))))*(Product1_InputA-Product1_InputB))

def Neg_Product2_Output(Product2_InputA):
    return -1 * ((2.71828**((Product2_InputA-Product2_InputB)*(0.5*Product2_InputC-1.5*Product2_InputD)))/(1+(2.71828**((Product2_InputA-Product2_InputB)*(0.5*Product2_InputC-1.5*Product2_InputD))))*(Product2_InputA-Product2_InputB))

def Neg_Total_Output(Product1_InputA,Product2_InputA):
    return Neg_Product1_Output + Neg_Product2_Output
def constraint(Product1_InputA, Product2_InputA):
    return (((Product1_InputA - Product1_InputE) * Neg_Product1_Output) + ((Product2_InputA - Product2_InputE) * Neg_Product2_Output)) / Neg_Total_Output - 2

con = {'type':'ineq', 'fun': constraint}

Product1_InputA_Initial_Guess = np.array([3])
Product1_InputA_Initial_Guess = np.asarray([3])
Product2_InputA_Initial_Guess = np.array([1])
Product2_InputA_Initial_Guess = np.asarray([1])
Product1_bound = [(0.3,4)]
Product2_bound = [(0.3,4)]
optimized_results = minimize(Neg_Total_Output,Product1_InputA_Initial_Guess,bounds=Product1_bound,constraints=con)
Product1_InputA_Optimal = optimized_results.x

When I run the line optimized_results = ... I get the below error:

TypeError: constraint() missing 1 required positional argument: 'Product2_InputA'

Am not sure how to include Product2 in the optimized_results minimize function above.


  • You have stability and convergence issues, but at least to address the "multiple products" question this is very straightforward:

    from functools import partial
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint, Bounds
    def neg_product_output(
        a: np.ndarray,
        b: np.ndarray,
        c: np.ndarray,
        d: np.ndarray,
        e: np.ndarray,
        f: np.ndarray,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        inner = np.exp(
            (a - b)*(0.5*c - 1.5*d)
        return -inner/(1 + inner)*(a - b)
    def neg_total_output(
        a: np.ndarray,
        bcdef: np.ndarray,
    ) -> float:
        out = neg_product_output(a, *bcdef)
        return out.sum()
    def constraint(
        a: np.ndarray,
        bcdef: np.ndarray,
    ) -> float:
        out = neg_product_output(a, *bcdef)
        b, c, d, e, f = bcdef
        return (a - e).dot(out) / out.sum()
    def solve(
        bcdef: np.ndarray,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # con - 2 >= 0: con >= 2
        con = NonlinearConstraint(
            fun=partial(constraint, bcdef=bcdef),
            # The solver does not support an infinite upper bound to this constraint
        a12_guess = np.full(shape=bcdef.shape[1], fill_value=3.)
        lb = np.full_like(a12_guess, fill_value=0.3)
        ub = np.full_like(a12_guess, fill_value=2.25)
        f = bcdef[-1, :]
        ub[f == 30] = 2.5
        ub[f >= 40] = 3.0
        results = minimize(
            fun=neg_total_output, args=(bcdef,),
            x0=a12_guess, bounds=Bounds(lb=lb, ub=ub),
            constraints=con, tol=1e-12,
        if not results.success:
            raise ValueError(results.message)
        print(results.message, 'in', results.nit, 'iterations')
        return results.x
    def main() -> None:
        a = solve(
                ( 0.5 ,  0.5 ),
                ( 1.  ,  1.  ),
                ( 1.  ,  2.  ),
                ( 0.08,  0.1 ),
                (20.  , 30.  ),
        print('a =')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Optimization terminated successfully in 12 iterations
    a =
    [2.25       1.51094911]