
UberSVN switch to 1.7

I have just updated all my svn clients in my work to use 1.7 which is compatible with UberSVN, which has the ability to switch to 1.7.

I have just done the switch and updated everything, but all I am getting now is:

 uberSVN Binaries Switch in progress
 uberSVN needs to restart to complete the installation, give us about a minute before you log back

Does anybody know how long it takes to actually complete the switch over, I mean this has been going on for about 1.5 hours now and It's still not complete. Any ideas or do you think it's just not doing anything and has 'crashed'?


  • It shouldn't take that long.

    If you close the window and then try to go back to the uberSVN portal, log in and go back to the SVN Switch tab - Has it switched over?

    Can you see if Apache is still running? What OS are you on?

    I'd also be interested to see what's in the ubersvn/data/logs/PackageTool_out.log file - Do you see any errors?

    Also, try restarting the uberSVN portal.