I'm initially passing raw data to ag-Grid without any processing to populate the grid, which works well. However, the raw data results in a chart with many randomly arranged ages (all data).
I need to sort and process the age data before passing it to my range chart to create a sorted chart, while keeping the grid data unsorted.
I'm making a simple javascript sort to get the data working:
const sortedData = computed(() => {
return data?.sort(
(a, b) => a.salesOrders.customerAge - b.salesOrders.customerAge,
So my sortedData
has all the data sorted by customerAge, but I'm unable to get the chart to use it instead of the rowData from ag-Grid. How can I make the chart use sortedData?
I'm unable to use chartThemeOverrides to set the chart theme and create an option flag within the createRangeChart function itself.
const onFirstDataRendered = () => {
console.log("Starting chart...");
chartContainer: document.querySelector(`#my_first_chart`),
cellRange: {
columns: columnsToChart,
chartThemeName: "ag-material",
suppressChartRanges: false,
chartType: "column",
aggFunc: "sum",
unlinkChart: true,
chartThemeOverrides: {
bar: {
series: {
data: sortedData,
If you, like me, had this doubt and ended up here... know that it is not possible at this time (20/05/2024).
There is issue AG-5482 in the ag-grid team's back-log, but it is not expected to be implemented.
To read more, just go to the issue I opened on GitHub: https://github.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/issues/7951#issuecomment-2110275682