
Python Pants Error : "remote install is not supported on this platform!"

I used pants run command for my python application. I've tried both with 2.17.0 version and 2.21.0a1. I googled the "not supported" error but didn't come up with any results. Is it related to having macbook m2 pro? maybe it works with M1 and linux but not on M2?

commands like version, help they all seem fine but I can't run my apps.

saygin@mbpro trial-project % pants run                             
[INFO  scie_pants] Found Pants build root at Some("/Users/saygin/dev")
[INFO  scie_pants] The required Pants version is Some("2.21.0a1")
remote install is not supported on this platform!
saygin@mbpro trial-project %


  • I think this may be an issue with one of the dependencies (viztracer) being used by the code being executed by pants run, not Pants itself.

    The description of pants version working (presumably, printing whatever is written in pants.toml's [GLOBAL].pants_version setting) implies that Pants is installed and running successfully.

    Doing a GitHub code search finds this chunk of code in the viztracer package:

        def install(self) -> None:
            if (sys.platform == "win32"
                    or (sys.platform == "darwin" and "arm" in platform.processor())):
                print("remote install is not supported on this platform!")

    Thus, on arm macOS, this package apparently needs to be used in a different way!