
Accessing schema name in filter condition

@Table(name = "my_table")
@FilterDef(name = "MyTable.current")
@Filter(name = "MyTable.current", condition = """
    revision_number = (select max(v.revision_number) from {h-schema}my_table as v where id =
public class MyRevisioneEntity extends PanacheEntityBase {
  /* This is NOT autogenerated */
  UUID id;
  @Column(name = "revision_number")
  long revision;
  @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  @Formula("(revision_number = (select max(v.revision_number) from {h-schema}my_table as v where id =")
  boolean latestRevision;
  // ... metadata, target of revision!

Above my domain,a simple entity identified by an UUID, can have multiple revisions.
Normally I need only most recent revision so I decided to create a filter MyTable.current but I have a problem, the {h-schema} placeholder is not resolved so I have to forge schema in filter condition.
The same condition applied as @Formula to property latestRevision works flawlessy (placeholder is resolved as expected).

Is this by design or @Filter condition should resolve placeholder as @Formula does?


  • I don't think {h-schema} is supported here... Though maybe it should be; feel free to create a feature request:

    In the meantime, you could try simply using @SqlFragmentAlias:

    @Filter(name = "MyTable.current", condition = """
        revision_number = (select max(v.revision_number) from {mytable} as v where id =
        aliases = @SqlFragmentAlias(alias = "mytable", table = "my_table"))
    public class MyRevisioneEntity extends PanacheEntityBase {

    See also

    BTW, you might want to consider using Envers instead of rolling out your own solution.

    EDIT: the suggestion below doesn't work, see

    @Filter(name = "MyTable.current", condition = """
        revision_number = (select max(v.revision_number) from {mytable} as v where id =
        aliases = @SqlFragmentAlias(alias = "mytable", entity = MyRevisioneEntity.class))
    public class MyRevisioneEntity extends PanacheEntityBase {

    See also (though that section doesn't seem to mention entity =, so perhaps it's outdated).