For various reasons, I only have access to objects model_coeffs and model_summary below. These form broom::tidy() and broom::glance() objects respectively. In other words, I do not have access to the underlying lm/glm objects, but have access to model_coeffs and model_summary as .csv files. For a reproducible example, I have provided code so that others can get to the same point
pairings <- tidyr::expand_grid(
lhs = c('vs', 'am'),
rhs = c('hp', 'hp + drat', 'hp + drat + wt', 'hp + drat + wt + qsec')
pairings <- pairings %>%
formula = map2(lhs, rhs, ~ as.formula(paste(.x, "~", .y))),
model = map(formula, ~ glm(.x, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mtcars)),
tidied_model = map(model, \(x) broom::tidy(x, = T, exp = T)),
model_summaries = map(model, broom::glance),
r_squared_nagelkerke = map(model, performance::r2_nagelkerke),
r_squared_tjur = map(model, performance::r2_tjur),
model_name = map_chr(formula, deparse),
model_number = case_when(
str_count(model_name, "\\+") == 0 ~ 'Model 1',
str_count(model_name, "\\+") == 1 ~ 'Model 2',
str_count(model_name, "\\+") == 2 ~ 'Model 3',
str_count(model_name, "\\+") == 3 ~ 'Model 4'
) %>%
dplyr::select(-formula, -model)
model_coeffs <- pairings %>%
dplyr::select(-model_summaries, -r_squared_nagelkerke, -r_squared_tjur) %>%
tidyr::unnest(c(tidied_model), names_repair = "unique")
model_summary <- pairings %>%
dplyr::select(-tidied_model) %>%
tidyr::unnest(c(model_summaries, r_squared_nagelkerke, r_squared_tjur))
How can I convert model_coeffs and model_summary into something pretty like this? It does not have to be exactly that, plus it should append some model summary stuff. Can {modelsummary} do this? I tried to follow instructions here but to no avail.
EDIT: Thank you to @Vincent. Using the {modelsummary} package, you can trick it to believe that it's of class(modelsummary_list)
# Filtering data for outcome 'vs'
model_coeffs_vs <- model_coeffs %>%
filter(lhs == "vs")
model_summary_vs <- model_summary %>%
filter(lhs == "vs")
# Creating a list of unique model numbers
model_numbers <- unique(model_coeffs_vs$model_number)
# Creating a list of modelsummary_list objects
model_list <- map(model_numbers, function(model_num) {
# Extract tidy data
tidy_data <- model_coeffs_vs %>%
filter(model_number == !!model_num) %>%
mutate("OR" = estimate,
estimate = log(estimate))
# Extract glance data
glance_data <- model_summary_vs %>%
filter(model_number == !!model_num) %>%
select(-c(lhs, rhs, model_number, model_name)) %>%
`Sample size` = nobs,
"Pseduo R<sup>2</sup> (Nagelkerke)" = r_squared_nagelkerke,
"Pseudo R<sup>2</sup> (Tjur)" = r_squared_tjur)
# Create the modelsummary_list object
mod <- list(
tidy = tidy_data,
glance = glance_data
class(mod) <- "modelsummary_list"
# Naming models with model numbers
names(model_list) <- set_names(model_numbers)
# Use modelsummary to summarize the models
shape = term ~ model + statistic,
coef_omit = "Intercept",
statistic = c("Odds ratio" = "OR",
"S.E." = "std.error"),
coef_rename = c(
"drat" = "Rear axle ratio",
"hp" = "Horsepower",
"wt" = "Weight",
"qsec" = "1/4 mile time"),
notes = list('Text of the first note.',
'Text of the second note.')
The easiest way to do this might be to store your data in a format that modelsummary
will automatically recognize: a modelsummary_list
object. This strategy is described here:
Here’s a minimal example example:
models <- list(
glm(am ~ hp, data = mtcars, family = binomial),
glm(am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)
results <- list()
for (i in seq_along(models)) {
results[[i]] <- list()
class(results[[i]]) <- "modelsummary_list"
results[[i]][["tidy"]] <- data.frame(
"term" = names(coef(models[[i]])),
"estimate" = coef(models[[i]]),
"OR" = exp(coef(models[[i]])),
"std.error" = sqrt(diag(vcov(models[[i]]))))
results[[i]][["glance"]] <- data.frame(nobs = nobs(models[[i]]))
statistic = c("OR", "std.error"),
shape = term ~ model + statistic)
| | (1) | (2) |
| | Est. | OR | S.E. | Est. | OR | S.E. |
| (Intercept) | 0.777 | 2.174 | 0.915 | 18.866 | 1.561455e+08 | 7.444 |
| hp | -0.008 | 0.992 | 0.006 | 0.036 | 1.037000e+00 | 0.018 |
| wt | | | | -8.083 | 0.000000e+00 | 3.069 |
| Num.Obs. | 32 | | | 32 | | |