Suppose I have this ndjson file:
{"id": 99, "labeled_values": [["one", "green"], ["two", "red"], ["three", "blue"]]}
{"id": 100, "labeled_values": [["four", "green"], ["five", "red"]]}
How do I get the output below (tab-separated)? That is: id on every line, and the pairs of (value, label) flattened.
99 one green
99 two red
99 three blue
100 four green
100 five red
Here are two failed attempts:
$ cat tmp/foo.ndjson | jq -r '.id as $id | [$id, .labeled_values.[0], .labeled_values.[1]] '
$ cat tmp/foo.ndjson | jq -r '.id as $id | [$id, .labeled_values[].[0], .labeled_values[].[1]] '
This question is very related, but I still don't understand jq well enough.
A related question: how do I learn enough about the processing model of jq to understand how to break down nested structures like this into flat structures?
Most of the examples I find are flat and simple. They pick out single fields, not nested things.
Or simply:
[.id] + .labeled_values[] | @tsv