
Server response with null value

Hello i'm creating a rest server using ktor in my android application. It works really well but when i do a call i receive all the data but i don't get null data. What should i do to receive them.

here is my code

install(ContentNegotiation) {

    routing {
        get("StorageAndControlService/config/get/{key}") {
            val key = call.parameters["key"]
            lateinit var config:Any

                "TRAVELER_MODE" -> {config =
                    call.respond(mapOf("current" to "STD","pending" to null))
                    call.respond(mapOf("current" to "SUB","pending" to null))



and here is what i get from the call enter image description here

i should be getting the pending value. What should i do to have it visible ?


  • In Ktor, the Gson library is used for serializing and deserializing JSON data. By default, Gson does not serialize null values. To include null values in your JSON responses, you need to configure the Gson instance to serialize nulls.

    Here is how you can adjust your Gson configuration to include null values:

    Import the necessary Gson library functions.
    Configure the Gson instance to serialize null values using serializeNulls().
    import io.ktor.application.*
    import io.ktor.features.ContentNegotiation
    import io.ktor.gson.gson
    import io.ktor.response.respond
    import io.ktor.routing.get
    import io.ktor.routing.routing
    fun Application.module() {
    install(ContentNegotiation) {
        gson {
            serializeNulls()  // Enable serialization of null values
    routing {
        get("StorageAndControlService/config/get/{key}") {
            val key = call.parameters["key"]
            lateinit var config: Any
            when (key) {
                "TRAVELER_MODE" -> {
                    config =
                    if (config) {
                        call.respond(mapOf("current" to "STD", "pending" to null))
                    } else {
                        call.respond(mapOf("current" to "SUB", "pending" to null))