I am using the logging python library in order to log some structured JSON. My idea was to do it manually following the example in the documentation, by giving a config with only the message :
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s')
And then use json.dumps to log a structured JSON :
'my_logger_name': self.my_name,
'log_level': self.log_level,
'message': message,
'some_data': some_data,
It works fine, but I would like to add the timestamp to my JSON.dumps. We previously got it by adding %(asctime)s to the format config. Is there a way to get it programmatically from the logging library?
I was expecting something like : logging.getLogger().getAsctime()
You can get your current time by using the asctime method from time library, but its important to get your current time first.
import time
your_time = time.localtime()
your_asc= time.asctime(t)
Later you can put this in your json as you want:
'my_logger_name': self.my_name,
'log_level': self.log_level,
'message': message,
'some_data': some_data,
'time': your_asc