I came across this while reading the MS documentation for compiled bindings and it has confused me now with how to do data binding on ContentViews
for custom controls:
Compiled bindings are disabled for any binding expressions that define the Source property. This is because the Source property is always set using the x:Reference markup extension, which can't be resolved at compile time.
In addition, compiled bindings are currently unsupported on multi-bindings.
My question concerns ContentViews
where you are binding to a BindableProperty
on the control.
The (recommended) approach in the documentation involves setting the binding context for the control using x:Reference
as below:
<VerticalStackLayout BindingContext="{x:Reference driverCard}">
Style="{StaticResource Headline}"
Text="Driver Details" />
Style="{StaticResource SubHeadline}"
Text="{Binding DriverInfo.FullName}" />
Does this mean that compiled bindings are not being used for the 2nd label bindings because the BindingContext
is set on the StackLayout
using x:Reference
Or is it only when specifying source as below:
Style="{StaticResource Headline}"
Text="Driver Details" />
Style="{StaticResource SubHeadline}"
Text="{Binding DriverInfo.FullName, Source={x:Reference driverCard}}" />
Both are using x:Reference
, but only the second is using Source
Is it the source prop itself or the x:Reference
that means compiled bindings won't be used? The blue notification sort of implies that the x:Reference
is the reason with the way it is worded, but maybe if it's used to specify a BindingContext
, then any binding below that will still use compiled?
I suppose following the documented examples is probably the best way to go but I just wanted to double check.
As the doc says,
Compiled bindings are disabled for any binding expressions that define the Source property. This is because the Source property is always set using the x:Reference markup extension, which can't be resolved at compile time.
So if doing bindings with x:Reference
, the data bindings won't be pre-compiled (while the rest of the XAML will be pre-compiled).
By the way, I haven't seen any x:DataType
set on any VisualElement, so compiled bindings won't be used anyway.
Actually, you may check the generated output or test it, e.g.
Text="{Binding WrongPropertyName, Source={x:Reference driverCard}}" x:DataType="local:CustomView"
Like above, if you use x:Reference
, even though you set the x:DataType
on Label
or any parent control , still there's no compile-time validation of binding expressions. You can only find data binding not working until runtime. Without x:Reference
, you may see compile-time validation.