Im attempting to place a mesh sphere on a tracked image using the ImageTrackingProvider from ARKit for VisionOS. The following code is the image tracking view model that I have set up to initialize an ARKit session and update anchors for any detected images. When I run it on device, the console prints out the tracking origin results as expected, so I can confirm the tracking is working. However I cannot get the sphere to appear. Is there another more simple way to use the printed origin transform as the anchor point for a 3d object? My current method is based on apples example here
import RealityKit
import SwiftUI
import ARKit
import RealityKitContent
@MainActor var imageAnchors: [UUID: ImageAnchor] = [:]
@MainActor var entityMap: [UUID: Entity] = [:]
class ImageTrackingViewModel: ObservableObject {
private let session = ARKitSession()
private var rootEntity = Entity()
private let imageInfo = ImageTrackingProvider(
referenceImages: ReferenceImage.loadReferenceImages(inGroupNamed: "albumCovers")
func start() async {
do {
if ImageTrackingProvider.isSupported {
print("ARKitSession starting.")
Task {
try await[imageInfo])
for await update in imageInfo.anchorUpdates {
updateImage(update.anchor, rootEntity: rootEntity)
func updateImage(_ anchor: ImageAnchor, rootEntity: Entity) {
// Add a new entity to represent this image.
let entity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 0.1), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .systemBlue, isMetallic: false)])
entityMap[] = entity
if anchor.isTracked {
print("Anchor Transform:")
entityMap[]?.transform = Transform(matrix: anchor.originFromAnchorTransform)
I have tried setting up an entityMap array and attempted to generate a new entity on the tracked image as suggested by the apple example linked above, but it does not result in a visible sphere mesh placed on the generated anchor position
Turns out I was managing the root entity incorrectly. I solved it by adding the following in the RealityView configuration:
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
This calls a new function in the view model:
func setupContentEntity() -> Entity {
return contentEntity
This allowed me to ensure the root entity (which I renamed here to contentEntity) is created when the session begins, so I can add child objects to it. My thanks to reddit user Time_Concert_1751 for their help solving this.