I want to select some columns in multiple temporary table. So, I need to select columns with table alias in KQL.
Example in ANSI SQL:
Select a.col1,b.col2 from a inner join b on a.id = b.id
Example in KQL:
let TableA = external_table('table1')
| take 100
let TableB = external_table('table2')
| take 100
| join kind=inner (TableB) on id
| project TableA.id,TableB.col2
I encountered an error as shown below:
How can I change the KQL query to resolve this error. Selecting multiple columns from multiple tables in KQL.
Have you tried this:
let TableA = external_table('table1')
| take 100
| project TableAId = id, TableACol2 = col2;
let TableB = external_table('table2')
| take 100
| project TableBId = id, TableBCol2 = col2;
| join kind=inner (TableB) on $left.TableAId == $right.TableBId
| project TableAId, TableBId, TableACol2, TableBCol2
Here you are renaming the Id-Columns explicitly, to reuse them in the resulting JOIN